{% extends "header.html" %} {% block body %}
{% with messages = get_flashed_messages() %} {% if messages %} {% for message in messages %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endwith %}

TabR Tool

Perfect Tableau Report Validation Tool for Developers/Leads/Managers. Review the Tableau Reports, validate the Calculations/Business Logic without getting to reopen the dashboards.

This tool can be built on-premise, customized to the business needs.


Register and Sign-in to our secured cloud based tool to get a feel of it.

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Summary Page

Provides a summary of the dashboard attributes and enables the user to download the latest version of the dashboard details in a csv file.

For example, when a dashboard is parsed using the TabR-Tool, the summary of the details are shown on this page, and the user can be able to download the dashboard details from the download link.

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Most sophisticated Tableau validation tool. Parses the Tableau workbook and fetches the datasources used in the workbook, fields used in the worksheets and the formulas used in the calculated fields.

Supports Tableau 10 and up !!!

Many more options available in the future releases.

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Search Option

Provides a way to search thru the fields used all the dashboards.

This helps in auditing the dashboards and finding the source and define quality rules on the attributes for data quality.

{% endblock %}